The official website of Accurate Records,
New England's premier jazz label since 1987.

To order Accurate CDs:
   Allegro Music

Premium  (AC-5032, released 1999)

"high-energy-yet-sensitive-and-intelligent popsters"
-Chris Wright - stuff@night

"a wholly original sound...punchy...big hooks...the material is strong and the playing inspired. First rate all the way/"
-Scott Chelsey- Northeast Performer

"What the Beatles would sound like if they grew up in Seattle"
-Rick Berlin

"A huge wall of sound filled with rhythm, heightened by enticing lyrics that grab the listener up into celestial bliss"
-Doug Sloan - Metronome

"the walls shook with the hard-pop 'n rock of Hummer, a taut foursome with some Beatles roots, but also a lively, original sound of its own"
-Steve Morse - Boston Globe